Raft Fish New Zealand was registered in 2016. Behind the new company is 30 years of rafting experience.
Owner, Deon Warren, has lived in the area and worked as a rafting guide, on his own account and in association with Mountain Valley Lodge, since 1990.
He has drifted the river hundreds of times, with many different anglers, and his knowledge of the fishery is unsurpassed.
The company is a member of the New Zealand Rafting Association.
Our rafting operations are sub-contracted to Mohaka Rafting Ltd.
We take your health and safety seriously and therefore, in adverse conditions, trips are run at our discretion
Much of the river is entrenched in spectacular gorges, which together with the surrounding rugged terrain, mean that access points are limited. The headwaters flow through undisturbed native bush, while further downstream the scenery changes to plantation forestry and farmland. To preserve the unique character of the upper river, a water conservation order was put in place in 2004.
State Highway 5, which runs from Taupo in central North Island to Napier on the East Coast, and which crosses the river just east of Tarawera village, conveniently divides the river into two sections.
The section upstream of the bridge is favoured by anglers, trampers and those wanting gentle rafting on Grade II water.
Downstream of the bridge, more precisely below the Department of Conservation’s Everett camp site, the river changes to Grade III rapids and then to Grade IV and V, running through steep-sided gorges, before returning to gentler water as it approaches the coast.
The largest tributary, the Waipunga, rises on the Rangitaiki Plains east of Taupo, and follows State Highway 5 before entering many kilometres of bush-clad gorge. It has a reputation for large trout and is also known for its population of the rare blue duck or whio.
Raft Fish NZ offers Guided Trout Fishing, hunting and rafting adventures. Catering for single and group bookings based on the Mohaka river.
Raftfish NZ provides scenic Grade 2 shore excursions for cruise ship guests.
The Whio, one of the few places where it is still possible to see this rare duck.
River guide and owner Deon Warren has 30 years of rafting experience.
Auckland angler Dennis Smith with a typical 6 pound Brown Trout from the Mohaka River.
The Mohaka River at Dawn.
The Mohaka river system .
The Mohaka River and its tributaries form one of the finest wilderness river systems in New Zealand.
Arising in the Kaweka Ranges, the Mohaka runs some 170 km before reaching Hawkes Bay and the Pacific Ocean on the east coast of the North Island.
© 2016 Raft Fish New Zealand